Hotel & Leisure
Safety, security and a firm systems are essential when to clean Hotel and Leisure facilities. 24h provide trained and certified crews as well as the best equipment and machines available today. Most important we do not sell away our responsibilities, 24h is not a franchise company. You can be confident in that we stay on top of our partnership to keep your facility clean.
Clean floors, restrooms, kitchen, restaurants, lobbies, suits and to have surfaces look great creates a positive environment for you, your employees and of course, guests and members. Germs and bacteria can quickly spread around your facility, creating illness that might cost your business money due to loss of credibility.
With our fleet of Steam-Equipped Service Vans we will also take good care of your Special Service needs such as Tile & Grout Steam-Cleaning, Carpet Extraction, Strip & Wax, Window Cleaning, High Dusting, Stone & Marble Restoration and Polishing, Concrete grinding and Polishing, Pressure Washing, Chandelier Cleaning and much more.
All managed through our exclusive work force system – CleanPilot.
Country Clubs
Condominium Buildings
Gym & Fitness
Sport Arenas
Movie Theaters